
About antidox

antidox is a Sphinx extension that can read Doxygen XML “databases” and insert documentation for entities- C language constructs as well as Doxygen-specific things like groups- in Sphinx documents.

It is intended to be fast and simple, though easily customizable.

Document generation (i.e. conversion between doxy-xml and reStructuredText) is driven by XML stylesheets (powered by lxml,) while indexing and selection of documentable entities is done by a SQL database (sqlite3.)


  • Reuse API docs made with Doxygen in a Sphinx project.

  • Provide a smooth transition between 100% automatic API docs (what Doxygen generates) and semi-manual documentation.

  • Have sensible defaults for automatic documentation generation while allowing customization.

  • Deal with big projects efficiently: the main tool in use now (Breathe) has resource usage issues when dealing with large XML files.


    It would be good to have a way of detecting that a XML file has not changed

    to avoid generating it again.

Design philosophy

Doxygen is a great tool for parsing C code and extracting all kinds of entities. Unfortunately, the output is a bit messy, because it is not hierarchical: Groups are hierarchical, but entities also appear in file compounds, and on their own (structs, for example). This means that if Doxygen XML files are directly mapped to rst documents, one ends up with loads of duplicate definitions.

Also, Doxygen seems to make a lot of decisions in what it considers to be a top-level entity and what not (of course, it’s heavily influenced by C++ concepts).

C does not have the concept of packages/modules, it’s up to the programmer that is commenting the code to define those abstraction by using @ingroup directives. Some package documentation ends up in file compounds and some other in groups. To make matters worse, a group does not have a fixed definition.

This tool tries to reduce Doxygen to a tool for parsing code and comments and to give documentation writers explicit control over the layout and placement of the different entities.


First, you need to configure Doxygen to produce XML docs, edit your doxyfile:


If your project is huge, consider setting XML_PROGRAMLISTING = NO to reduce the size of the generated files.

Enable the antidox plugin in your Sphinx project’s conf.py and tell it where to find the XML file:

extensions = [
  # whatever extensions you have enabled

# ..... other extension's stuff ......

# Configure antidox
antidox_doxy_xml_dir = "path/to/doxygen/xml"

Now you can use the directives in a reST document. For example, to include the documentation of function foo() defined in bar.h write:

.. doxy:c:: bar.h::foo

You can later refer to it using the doxy:r role. You can also include documentation for an entire file, or for a Doxygen group:

.. doxy:c:: bar.h::*

.. doxy:c:: group[name_of_the_group]

On huge projects, the fist time you run sphinx-build it may take a some time to parse all the XML files. Subsequent runs should go faster as long as the XML files are not touched.


The antidox.shell module contains an interactive shell that can be used to inspect Doxygen databases and to test the XML template.

The shell is installed as a console script named antidox-shell.

Notes on Stability

Though usable, this extension is still under development. Backwards compatibility will be kept for all releases with the same major/minor version.

Be aware, however, that after updating this extension you may need to do a clean build of your docs to see the results, in particular if the newer version has an updated default stylesheet.

The debug shell is intended as a low-level debugging aid so do not rely on its interface being consistent.

The schema for the SQLite database will only happen on major version changes.


Some important doxygen constructs may be missing.

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/antidox/checkouts/stable/doc/source/guide.rst, line 28.)


Add building guide including RTD instructions.

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/antidox/checkouts/stable/doc/source/index.rst, line 19.)


It would be good to have a way of detecting that a XML file has not changed
to avoid generating it again.

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/antidox/checkouts/stable/doc/source/overview.rst, line 28.)